The Tulip Society's new book 'Flames and Feathers' is printed and available to buy.

Tulip Society Bookabove Tulip Society BookFlames and Feathers

The Tulip Society's new book 'Flames and Feathers' is printed and available to buy. Many thanks to James Akers for all the work he has put into this updated edition and to the editorial team who helped him.

The book has 128 pages and includes many new colour photographs of English Florists' tulips and also has sections on the history of the society, science and art. An attractive new feature is the timeline that runs through the whole book outlining notable people and events in the society's history.

Find out more>>


Tulip Society Websiteabove English florists' tulips breedersWe've had a makeover!

Well here it is... the new and improved tulip society website! The main pages are up and running, and we hope to add lots of new and interesting features over the coming months.

The new website offers more flexibility for publishing articles and the ability to add other interactive elements.

Hopefully everything works as it should but if you spot any issues please let us know.


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