"Here tulips bloom as they are told; Unkempt about those hedges blows An English unofficial rose" Rupert Brooke
Tulip Society Constitution
above: Society floral arrangement with tulips in the style of an old Dutch flower painting. RHS Tulip Day Gold Medal certificate for WNETS stand Genus Tulipa, 2003.
The constitution of the Tulip Society was adopted at its Annual General Meeting in 1996 and sets out how the society will be administered, its aims, membership, function and powers of the Committee.
A full copy of the constitution can be viewed here as a pdf: >> Constitution
Aims of the Tulip Society
The constitution sets out the following aims of the society:
1) To promote the growing and showing of the English Florist Tulip, to this end holding shows at which growers may compete for the trophies and awards of the Society.
2) To preserve the old varieties.
3) To continually develop new varieties from seed which must meet the required standards of purity of colour and shape.
4) To provide bulbs and flowers (wherever possible) to members for photography and painting.
5) To promote the growing and showing of other varieties and species of tulips.
6) To advance the education of the public in awareness of the English Florist Tulip.